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In my opinion you can't go wrong here! However, each has its own charm and beauty. Each has its own look and feel. Each offers its own unique travel experience. But just as travelers are different so are their interests. What islands spark your interest is a very personal choice but I can tell you Moorea is the most popular. I think this is due to its proximity and easy access to the main island of Tahiti (a 30 minute boat ride or a 10 minute flight). Moorea hotels can be a little cheaper too. The second most popular island is famed Bora Bora with its magnificent lagoons and upscale hotels. But then there are the atolls with their nearly deserted beaches and spectacular underwater scenery. I highly recommend you take a good look at the islands section for detailed information on all the islands of French Polynesia. The order you visit the islands is important. You will want to take advantage of Air Tahiti's special island hopping fares by following a specific routing. 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